Pencil (#2 is fine)
Soft eraser
Something white to use for a palette (Styrofoam tray is fine)
Something to put water in (cup or jar)
Paper towels or napkins
I don’t want you to go out and spend a lot of money on artist supplies for this class—unless that makes you happy in which case you SHOULD! But Good Paper is a MUST.
Please get some 140 lb or heavier cold press paper, either sheets or in a block. I recommend either Arches brand or Lanaquarelle
Watercolor brushes. 1 or 2 flat (I suggest 1” and a 3”) and 1 or 2 different round brushes
Tube watercolor student grade paint.
Suggested colors: Alizarin Red, Ultramarine Blue, Lemon Yellow, Burnt Sienna